So authorization from Jessenia was needed for this post, and I got it. The awesome clothing concepts she designed for Marla. Incredible stuff. Thats 2 posts in one day...Oh snap!
It's worth mentioning that after her sketches we realized that Marla needed to look a bit older compared to Brian's sketches. So these sketches are closer to Marla's final proportions.
So I know its been a while but do not go sleeping on us just yet. Jessenia and I have tons of goodies for all of you. At the moment she is helping out on the presentation of some environment props I model/textured/lit and composited; so look out for those soon. Also some clothing concepts for Marla that Jessenia cooked up are being laid out for presentation at the moment. I'd like to post up some environment sketches I've been working on. The first 2 are all digital and the last one I did some marker/pen sketches and then brought them into photoshop for some quick value and light studies. Enjoy!