Friday, July 10, 2009

creepy crawlers!

Oh yes here we go some nice silhouette designs for the bugs in the forest environment and for the main luciernaga. (go translate that from spanish if you really want to know what that is) The first designs come from our fellow modeler David Chen. Second one comes from Christian Haniszewski, one of our modeler/riggers of the group. And the last ones are mine. We have more finalized version but you'll just have to wait for those.

Also if you may have noticed as more names are mention we will be posting their blogs up so you can check out their work. Give credit where credit is due.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here we go again

Yes yes I know, no recent updates. Well good news..theres one now. lol Models are coming in and I got to take a sneak peek at the Marla model. OoOOh man! This should be rigging month and more environmental modeling stuff. We are hard at work and we cannot show no 3D-ness just yet. Until then I will humor you with some color studies I've been cooking up. These are vital in any production to set the mood and feel you want for your film. It helps during texturing and lighting/compositing later on. Also keeps me on my toes being there will be tons of Matte Painting going on. Enjoy!

Ps. Jessenia is working on a sexy new banner for the blog as you may have noticed, title changed from LECHE to LUCIERNAGA. If you ponder what that is, go to dictionary translate from Spanish to English.. hush hush.. SPOILER? Also some nice bug designs coming soon. watch out for those!